Cellular reprogramming to improve the lives of people as they age.

Aging leads cellular disfunction, been the primary risk factor for diseases.

While science understands the biological hallmarks of aging and how to treat them, nowadays there is no technology able to bring the therapeutic solutions to our own cells.

Our mission is to change that.

“By increasing healthspan and delaying age-related diseases by even one year is worth $38 trillion, and by 10 years $367 trillion.”

Source: “The Economic Value of Targeting Aging,” Scott, A.J., Ellison, M. & Sinclair, D.A. Nature Aging, 2021.

cellular REJUVENation

Reprogramming cells to a youthful state.

Focuses on the reprogramming of aged or damaged cells, guiding them back to a more youthful and less damaged state. Cellular therapy to safety partial reprogramming the epigenome via expression of three Yamanaka factors [OCT4, SOX2, and KLF4 (OSK)] to reprogram the cells into a rejuvenate and healthier state. Our transient cellular reprogramming is safer, reducing long-term risks associated with permanent genetic changes.

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restore functionality

Reprogramming cells to restore their normal functionality.

By activating our proprietary DNAmic factors within the cells, we aim to reinstate the natural efficiency and resilience that can diminish as we age or when exposed to adverse conditions. Our approach meticulously targets the foundational aspects of cellular operation—the cellular blueprint—to identify and correct the underlying causes of age-related cellular decline and dysfunction.

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redefine functionality

Targeting Cellular Senescense

Novel therapeutics intended to selectively eliminate or modulate senescent cells to halt, slow, or reverse age-related diseases, restoring aged or damaged tissue to a functionally healthier state. This therapeutic approach has the potential to address the root causes of many aging-associated conditions, such as neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular disorders, and reduced kidney, lung, and liver function.

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restore senescence

Restore senescense cells to a functional state.

We are pioneering the precise targeting and reprogramming of senescent cells, turning what were once dysfunctional elements into healthy, active participants in tissue and organ function. By reprogramming the senescent cells within the body, we aim to restore damaged cells back into the body's natural systems, leading to improved organ function and overall well-being.

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